5 Ways To Whitening Your Teeth At Home
Who amongst us doesn’t want a super attractive, dazzling white smile?
Whether it’s a Zoom teeth whitening treatment or the most basic scale and clean procedure, professional teeth whitening treatments are the safest and most effective way to whiten stained or discoloured teeth. However, going to the dentist can be expensive and time-consuming, so it’s not something that everyone can do on a regular basis.
If you’re short of money and/or time, there are several home remedies that can you can use to keep your teeth sparkling white for a longer time between dental treatments.
Check out this blog to learn 5 simple, cheap and effective ways you can whiten your teeth at home.
Activated Charcoal
Activated charcoal is a very cheap and effective solution for whitening your teeth at home. Charcoal has the natural ability to effectively draw out impurities from your teeth without being too harsh. The result is clean and sparkly teeth without the risk of damaging your teeth or gums.
Dip your wet toothbrush into some activated charcoal powder and brush as you normally would. Let the charcoal sit on your teeth for 3 to 5 minutes before rinsing out with lukewarm water. You can use activated charcoal on your teeth every day.
Baking Soda
This cheap household ingredient has powerful cleansing properties, and its alkaline ph makes it great for preventing the growth of bacteria in your mouth. Many whitening toothpaste brands actually already contain baking soda as a natural whitening agent.
To use baking soda to whiten your teeth, mix one teaspoon of baking soda with two teaspoons of water. Did your toothbrush into this paste and brush thoroughly but gently. Rinse out with water. Limit using this remedy to once or twice a week, as baking soda has mild abrasive properties which can damage your tooth enamel when used too often.
Oil Pulling
This traditional Indian oral care practice is said to remove bacterias that cause tooth discolouration. You can use any oil for oil pulling, but coconut oil seems to be a common choice for practitioners of this method.
Use one or two tablespoons of coconut oil and swish for about ten minutes. Spit out the coconut oil and then follow up with brushing your teeth with regular toothpaste. You can practice oil pulling every day.
Eating Fruit
The fibres in fruit are said to cleanse your teeth when they are being chewed, removing bacteria that cause yellowing of your teeth. There are a number of claims that strawberry and pineapple have the natural ability to whiten your teeth.
Lemon is also an effective whitener and has superior disinfectant properties, but make sure you dilute it with water before using it on your teeth. Lemon is very acidic and can cause damage to your tooth’s enamel with prolonged exposure.
Watch Your Diet
Not only is this effective to brighten your teeth, but it is also good for your overall health. A diet high in sugar can also cause yellow looking teeth. Harmful bacterias feed-off the sugar in your mouth, and high sugar consumption can cause these bacteria to overgrow and erode your enamel, exposing the dentin underneath it which is naturally yellow.
To keep your enamel strong, limit sugary foods and consume more foods that are rich in calcium like milk, cheese and broccoli.
So there you have it! While going to the dentist is definitely the quickest way to whiten your teeth, there are a whole host of things you can do to get the benefits of a professional teeth whitening treatment without the expense and inconvenience.
Article Source: 5 Ways To Whitening Your Teeth At Home