Lucas leads ComputerRise

Aiden Dallas
2 min readMay 10, 2023


Lucas Farrell has been volunteering with Rise since July 2022 and in that short time, has made an incredible impact. Brought onboard to assist with our project of issuing all Rise volunteers with a Rise email address, access to the Intranet, and online learning modules, Lucas very quickly uncovered the value in and a passion for giving continued support to his peers via computer literacy.

As the initial project came to an end, Lucas proposed holding ongoing sessions with other volunteers to support them with their online learning and general computer literacy…and thus ComputerRise was created!

Lucas created the amazing proposal to assist others in navigating the “fast paced, constantly evolving digital age we all live in”. His proposal reflects the Rise values of Integrity, Respect, Welcoming, and Optimism, as Lucas has demonstrated himself in his patient and empathetic approach to empower others.

“Professionalism is something I personally value and believe encompasses all the above values, also knowing that you represent something bigger than yourself and that your behaviour reflects something more than yourself.” — Lucas

From costings to a Presenters Guide, Lucas considered every aspect of implementation, and presented his wonderful proposal to a group that included members from the Leadership Group, Learning and Development, and IT on 19 January. Lucas held his first ComputerRise session at Wahroonga on 13 February. Participating volunteers have provided this wonderful feedback:

“I attended the ComputerRise training course at Wahroonga this morning run by Lucas.
It was well run and informative, we learned plenty. Thanks for the opportunity to participate.”

“Good session Thank you to Lucas & Rise”

“Lucas well prepared course. Looking forward to the rest of the course”

“Well done, Lucas. Great beginner’s course. We all learnt something. I’m now trained up to go home and do my online learning on my P.C made me feel more confident in searching on a secure network”

“Very enjoyable morning”

Lucas will continue contacting volunteers to attend ComputeRise sessions at Rise social centres on Mondays and Fridays. We hope to extend these sessions to Rise clients in due course.

The Volunteering team is incredibly grateful to have Lucas on board as a volunteer with Rise. He is extremely generous with his time and the effort he puts into everything he does is remarkable. Lucas has many more innovative ideas that we hope to implement in the future.

Stay tuned to see what comes next!




Aiden Dallas

As a freelance copywriter I love the flexibility of working anywhere across the globe and all the opportunities that come with it.