Aiden Dallas
3 min readMay 12, 2023


Taking the first steps toward becoming an electrical apprentice can be both exciting and nerve-wracking. Sure, there’s the anticipation, the eagerness to get out into the field, but there’s also a lot of information to take in, not to mention a few administrative hoops to jump through.

At CET, we understand that at times like this, it’s nice to have a bit of guidance. We’re experts when it comes to electrical apprenticeships, so we’ve prepared a guide to help you kickstart your apprenticeship journey.

Research and Information

As a first step, it’s important to do some research about what an apprenticeship actually is, so you know what you’re getting yourself into. If you’re still at school, talk to your teachers or career advisers, they’ll be able to give you advice on the next steps. They may also be able to connect you with trade experts, who are always willing to help train the next generation of sparkies.

If you’re having trouble finding information through your school network, don’t be afraid to take the initiative yourself. Do some research on the electricians working in your area and get in touch if you’ve got any questions about the industry, or are after some work experience.

Resume and Work Experience

Putting together a strong resume (or CV — make sure to note what the job ad specifies!) is the most important thing you can do to impress your potential employer. Make sure to include details about your studies and all relevant subjects you’ve taken, work experience or voluntary work you’ve completed, and any certificates, awards or achievements you have obtained.

Work experience, particularly electrician work experience, is a great way to stand out from other applicants who haven’t had the chance to develop their skills outside the classroom. Make sure to keep an eye on Facebook, Gumtree, and local notice boards — there are always people looking for an extra helping hand who are willing to share their skills with you.

Completing a pre-apprenticeship is another great way to build your repertoire of skills. You can start a pre-apprenticeship while still at school and leverage the experience you gain to strengthen your electrical apprenticeship CV or resume.

Application Process

Putting in the legwork on your research, resume, and work experience will make completing your electrician apprenticeship application a lot simpler, and make you a stronger candidate. When looking for an employer, searching for ads on SEEK or other job advertising sites is a great way to start scoping out apprenticeship opportunities.

If this route isn’t yielding results, you can also try getting in touch with a group training scheme, like Electrical Group Training. EGT is the largest group training scheme for electricians in WA, and can connect you with a diverse range of industry hosts to help you start building your experience.

The Australian Apprenticeship Support Network is another body that can assist in matching you to an employer and they provide support throughout the process. The AASN also offers a range of services to help you select the right apprenticeship, occupation, or training pathway for you.

Nominate CET

Now that you’ve become an apprentice, you’ll need to nominate CET as your RTO. AASN will ask you about your chosen RTO when you are signing your training contract. CET is the Industry Association’s own college, so registering with us builds your credibility and means you will be trained at one of our state-of-the-art, industry-endorsed campuses!

Ready to kickstart your career with CET?





Aiden Dallas

As a freelance copywriter I love the flexibility of working anywhere across the globe and all the opportunities that come with it.