We Are In Kambarang Season

Aiden Dallas
2 min readJan 16, 2023


We are in Kambarang season …

The Noongar seasonal calendar includes six different seasons (Bonar) in a yearly cycle. These are Birak, Bunuru, Djeran, Makuru, Djilba and Kambarang. Each represents the seasonal changes. The seasons can be long or short and are indicated by what is happening around us rather than by dates on a calendar.

Kambarang — Season of Birth:
Around October-November

KAMBARANG is a transformational time of year. During this season, we see an abundance of colours and flowers exploding all around us. The yellows of many of the Acacias continue to abound, along with some of the Banksias and many including the Kangaroo Paw and Orchids. During this time the Balgas will start to flower.

One of the most striking displays of flowers to be seen during this season will be the “Mooja”, or Australian Christmas Tree (Nuytsia). The bright orange flowers serve to signal the heat is on its way.

For the animals, October is also the most likely time of the year that you’ll encounter a snake as the reptiles start to awaken from their hibernation and look to make the most of the warm to assist them in getting enough energy to look for food.

It’s also a time that many young families of birds will be singing out for their parents to feed them. Koolbardies (Magpies) will also be out protecting their nests and their babies.

Many things are undergoing transformation with the warm change in the weather. Longer dry periods accompany a definite warming trend.

More Info / Reference: www.bom.gov.au
Photo of Poster: Sercul

Article Source: We Are In Kambarang Season



Aiden Dallas

As a freelance copywriter I love the flexibility of working anywhere across the globe and all the opportunities that come with it.